Kerning in microsoft word 2003
Kerning in microsoft word 2003

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With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1,Chapter #").ParagraphFormatĪctiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1,Chapter #"). NextParagraphStyle = "Paragraph Heading"Įnd Sub RE: Word 2003 - paragraph style auditing mintjulep (TechnicalUser) 28 Jul 11 07:57

kerning in microsoft word 2003

With ActiveDocument.Styles("Section heading") Position:=CentimetersToPoints(2.5), Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft, Leader:= _ NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = FalseĪctiveDocument.Styles("Section heading").ĪctiveDocument.Styles("Section heading"). _ FirstLineIndent = CentimetersToPoints(-1.5)ĪctiveDocument.Styles("Section heading"). With ActiveDocument.Styles("Section heading").ParagraphFormat With ActiveDocument.Styles("Section heading").Font ' Paragraph formatting information for paragraph style '1. RE: Word 2003 - paragraph style auditing mintjulep (TechnicalUser) 27 Jul 11 12:58

Kerning in microsoft word 2003 torrent#

Many thanks in advance for the torrent of help I'm potentially about to receive!

Kerning in microsoft word 2003 code#

I can provide a sample document with the code I have so far if needed. like using the 'Select all instances of this style' menu option from the Styles and Formatting toolbox) so that I can just cycle through each style name in code and select all instances of it before running the reset code? Arial' instead of 'Section Heading')ī) Is there a way to select all instances of a particular style in VBA (ie. the style name would be 'Section Heading + 14pt. If I change the tab settings on the style 'Section Headings' from a single tab at 2.5cm to a single tab at 6cm, and then run the appropriate settings macro, it only resets the tabs on the altered line if either the cursor is somewhere IN that line, or if that line is highlighted.Ī) how do I convince Word/VBA to change these things back even if the cursor is NOT in the line of text? (I suspect this may be impossible as Word is creating 'hidden' intermediate styles, hence the style name for these styles won't match the pre-defined ones in the code (ie. I have created (admittedly using the Macro recorder to save myself typing) subroutines that contain the format settings for each of the styles in use (Section Heading, Paragraph Heading etc.), however annoyingly if the formatting of the document is changed, running the appropriate subroutine only resets the style if the particular amended text is highlighted. etc., and have been trying to set up some VBA which will reset all the styles I have defined to preset values, in case someone fiddles with everything where they shouldn't. I've been through and created the layout, created all the styles etc. See How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office? for more information.I'm trying to set up a document template for generating reports. Help us improve Wordĭo you have suggestions about how we can improve Word? Let us know by providing us feedback. Post a question in the Word Answers Community. Using Styles in Word - a free, 10-minute video training course.Īlign text left or right, center text, or justify text on a pageĭo you have a question about Word that we didn't answer here? The Line spacing drop-down lets you select or set more specific line spacing.įor more information on modifying styles in Word, see: Customize styles in Word. If you'd like to apply more specific line spacing to the style, clickthe Format button at the bottom left corner of the Modify Style dialog box and select Paragraph. Choose the spacing you want to apply and click OK. Near the center of the dialog box you'll find the line spacing buttons that let you select single, 1.5x or double spaced. Right-click the style you want to change and select Modify.

kerning in microsoft word 2003

To increase or decrease the amount of vertical space between lines of text within a paragraph, the best method is to modify the style the paragraph uses.įind the style you're using in the Styles gallery on the Home tab.

kerning in microsoft word 2003

Percentages below 100 percent compress the text.

kerning in microsoft word 2003

Percentages above 100 percent stretch the text. In the Scale box, enter the percentage that you want. Note: If you're using Word 2007 the tab is called Character Spacing.

Kerning in microsoft word 2003